Supporting Someone Who’s Come Out of the Closet

For someone who has spent years hiding their identity, coming out of the closet is no easy feat. Despite the many strides the LGBT community has made in the recent decade, choosing to come out and reveal one’s true self is a personal decision–and for many, something that is deeply frightening.


Coming to Terms


The fact of the matter is through the years, these people have created carefully cultivated personalities, designed so they would be accepted by their friends, family, and the rest of society. Most likely, growing up, they experienced certain events that would color their way of viewing themselves and their preferences. More often than not, they were taught that the feelings that they felt were wrong.


How to Deal


So, if you know someone who has recently come out of the closet, especially one who has taken years to come to terms that they are gay, know that you are dealing with a person who took an enormous risk to show you their true self. Keep in mind that they are probably shaking in their boots, wondering if you’d reject them as soon as you find out the truth.


One way to show support for the person you love who has recently come out is to let them know that you accept them no matter what. Whether it’s through your entire family wearing gay pride tshirts or just simple rainbow bumper stickers on your car, making the extra effort to show how much you care is sure to be appreciated.

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